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Ingredients (serves 4)

1.5 l chicken stock 250 g polenta 150 g parmesan cheese 30 g butter 2 tablespoon olive oil 4 guinea-fowl or chicken breast 8 slices bacon


¼ l tomato juice 100 g sugar 2 cloves garlic 2 branches rosemary 4 tablespoons white vinegar

Our Terre de l’Alpe selection:

plain polenta, butter.

Guinea-fowl tournedos, polenta fries, tomato ketchup and rosemary

Polenta: boil the chicken stock with the butter and pour in th polenta. Cook for about 20 min. Add the finishing touches wit the oil and parmesan. Pour it into a bread tin and put it in the fridge.

Guinea fowl: salt and pepper the breasts, wrap tightly in Clingfilm and simmer gently in water. Cool in ice-cold water.

ketchup: caramelise the sugar, garlic and rosemary, deglaze with the tomato juice. Cook for ab 10 min and finish off with the vin salt and pepper.

Take the film off the breasts, carve three slices, roll them in back and pan-fry them. Cut the moulded polenta into chips and fry them at 180°C. Serve.

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