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Ingredients (serves 4)

8 Royal Gala apples 30 g butter

1 tablespoon cinnamon 100 g sugar + 10 g for tart base 1 ready-made puff-pastry base


½ l milk 5 egg yolks 100 g saffron Saffron pistils 1 vanilla pod

Our Terre de l’Alpe selection:

eggs, apples.

Apple and cinnamon tart, saffron cream

Custard: boil the milk with the vanilla and saffron. Beat the yolks and sugar. Pour the boiling milk over then cook the mixture until it coats a spoon. Cool. Peel and quarter the apples. Pan-fry them in the butter, add the sugar, coat them in the caramel and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Prick the tart base, sugar it an between two trays. Finish the tart, add the pan-fr apple and a dash of custard. Cook 5 min at 180°C.

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