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Ingredients (serves 4)


250 g sugar 4 eggs

400 g 64%-cocoa chocolate 250 g butter

Coulis :

250 g raspberry pulp 1 red pepper Sugar

Our Terre de l’Alpe selection:

raspberry with syrup, eggs.

Chocolate fondant,

red pepper and raspberry coulis

Fondant: bain-marie the butter and chocolate at 45°C. Beat the sugar and eggs. Mix them all together. Cook in a sponge-cake tin for about 25 min at 180°C.

Coulis: roast then peel the pepper, then blend it with the raspberry pulp. Add sugar to taste. Serve the fondant slightly warm with the coulis.

SHE225-Livret recette 2010 GB vecto.indd 17 19/10/10

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