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4 leeks 250 ml olive oil 75 ml Sherry vinegar 1 tablespoon curry 400 g peeled shrimp 100 g mustard 200 g whipping cream 1 lemon (juice)

curry vinaigrette, shrimp and mustard sauce*

Leeks: cook for about 10 min in very salty boiling water, cool for 2 min in ice-cold water.

Curry vinaigrette: m salt and pepper while

Mustard sauce: mix t and lemon juice, whip Cut the leeks in half, la then add the mustard and curry vinaigrette.

* This recipe also works with lobster (as shown here).

SHE225-Livret recette 2010 GB vecto.indd 7 19/10/10

Page 7 - livret-recette-sherpa-2010-en

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